Innovative, Interactive, and Leveraged Technology
Provide training and resources for educators and students to increase STEM knowledge. Ensure every community and public school receives adequate access to high-speed internet.
Achieving Educational Equity
Access to free high quality childcare supports mothers going to work or school to gain skills and improve their economic circumstances. Childcare and/or preschool enrollment could be tied to job readiness training and/or community college attendance to link services and support systems for whole-family life transformation.
Local Control Funding Formula
The Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) generates a base grant of funding per student, and additional supplemental grant funds per student if they are low-income, English Language Learners, or foster/homeless youth. These supplemental grant funds come with additional accountability within each school district and charter school’s Local Control Accountability Plan.
The time has come for a new supplemental grant category for the lowest performing subgroup of students not currently receiving a supplemental grant to ensure the equitable goals of the formula are achieved.
Cal Grant Availability
College tuition is difficult hurdle to overcome and it is important to provide financial assistance grants to assist students in the attainment of their college dreams. The state currently provides assistance in the form of the Cal Grant, which offers college funding without a repayment requirement.
Education/Business Partnerships
Two-year public vocational/professional programs and career access work/study education have each demonstrated success in our existing school system and in foreign countries. Alternative pathways to a Bachelor’s degree are a “best practice” in foreign countries and should be explored here as well.
Early and Effective Career Pathway Exposure
Everyone should have a vision of possibilities regarding career development. Unless students are aware early on about the availability of all career fields, some educational paths appear less relevant or unattainable.
Wraparound Support Systems
Support systems can include parents, teachers, community/family members, and counselors. Creating community-based and integrated networks will encourage local accountability and improve participation.
Suspension/Expulsion Accountability
School districts that implement creative policies to reduce suspension/expulsion can increase high school graduation and enrollment in education/vocational training, leading to families developing economic self-sufficiency.